Migrations: the rightsless world of undocumented workers

Migrations the rightsless world of undocumented workers

There are between 600,000 and 700,000 undocumented people in France. Most of them work and form an invisible world, on the fringes of the law. A world that can be found in many countries of the European Union. (Rebroadcast)

Guest: journalist Nejma Brahim, Two euros an hour, the hidden face of French integration, Threshold, 2024. The journalist met hundreds of shadow workers all over France. She reveals a widespread and established system of exploitation, and paints a picture that goes against all the fantasies, of these foreigners who benefit from “social assistance” without doing anything.

In Italyfive workers died in mid-February 2024 in the collapse of a shopping center construction site near Florence. The workers were mainly immigrants, from Morocco or Tunisia. A tragedy that sheds light on the precariousness of many workers who came from abroad to Italy, between lack of contracts and safety rules not respected… Report byOlivier Bonnel.

New residence permit for undocumented workers in Greece

Around 30,000 people are said to be affected. Faced with the labor shortage – which particularly affects the agriculture and construction sectors – Athens introduced a new residence permit in December 2023 for undocumented workers. The conditions for granting this temporary residence permit remain very strict, however; for example, it is only for people who have already been in Greece for more than three years. In Athens, Joel Bronner.
