Migrants, the Government’s plan: more CPR and permanence up to 18 months

Migrants the Governments plan more CPR and permanence up to

(Finance) – The maximum detention time in CPRs will increase from 6 to 18 months and the network of detention centers for repatriation – currently 9 for a total of 493 guests – will be strengthened by the Military Engineers who will build new structures in “very low density” locations housing and easily perimetered and monitored”, without creating “further discomfort and insecurity in Italian cities”. These are two measures agreed today in the Council of Ministers. Provision that will end in Southern decree since it had not yet been stamped. Another crackdown on migrants is expected in the next Council of Ministers: the focus will be on fake minors and differentiated channels for the entry of women, children and those under 14.

The next day visit to Lampedusa with the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Giorgia Meloni illustrated the “concrete solutions to the strong pressure” which has already brought 130 thousand arrivals in 2023. The Prime Minister defines the 10-point plan presented by Brussels as “surprising”, because “perfectly in line with the paradigm shift that this Government has supported since since its establishment and which has now established itself at a European level”: the defense of the external borders of the Union and the “upstream” stop of human traffickers and “mass illegal immigration”.

In detail with the measure decided today, the time spent inside the CPR returns to 6 months, extendable for a further 12, for a total of 18 months. “Therefore – states Meloni – all the time necessary, not only to carry out the necessary checks, but also to proceed with the repatriation of those who are not entitled to international protection”. The Ministry of Defense has been given a mandate to build the structures in the shortest possible time. They could be barracks, abandoned military areas or other buildings that will need to be renovated by military engineers. And a Prime Ministerial Decree will identify the criteria for the plan with the new centres. The latest budget has allocated 42.5 million euros for the next three years precisely for the expansion of the network.

The new decree, which will be approved next week, will then contain the crackdown on “false minors”: migrants, that is, who declare they are under 18 to take advantage of the protections provided. The law will introduce investigations to quickly resolve suspected cases. There will also be differentiated channels for women, children and under 14s.
