Migrants, the Council of Ministers in Cutro: the measures studied by the Government

Migrants the Council of Ministers will meet tomorrow in Cutro

(Finance) – Tomorrow the Council of Ministers will take place as announced by the Prime Minister Georgia Melons in Cutro, in the Crotone area. At the center of the meeting will be the migrant dossier with the government which should give the green light to a new decree. This would be the third intervention by the executive since he took office after the flow decree and the crackdown on NGO ships.

In the Cabinet however, there will be no room for crackdowns or tightening permits Of stay. Instead, the measures should go in the direction of raising the penalties for smugglers, strengthening humanitarian corridors and enhancing regular flows. But as far as content is concerned, no indiscretion has come from Palazzo Chigi. Despite the pressure from the League, not even the rules contained in the Salvini decrees of 2018 will find space. This was explained by the undersecretary of the Brothers of Italy in the Ministry of the Interior, Wanda Ferro. “We will not rewrite the Salvini decrees”, she clarified. In fact, on the one hand, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Fdi, who intend to insert rules that are as least divisive as possible in the new immigration decree expected in the CDM.

Matteo Salvini married the UK Prime Minister’s migratory line Rishis Sunak, starting from the fact that “if you arrive illegally in the United Kingdom you cannot ask for asylum, you cannot benefit from our system of protection from modern slavery, you cannot claim bogus humanitarian protection, you cannot stay”. A line which, however, at the moment does not coincide with the one desired by Brothers of Italy: this is not the time for further tightening on irregular migrants, we will see later, is the message sent to the government allies, now there is only the need to hit those who are guilty of a drama destined to remain in the history of the country.

Giorgia Meloni’s goals for now can be guessed between the lines of theinformative that the minister Planted carried out in the Chamber: strengthen the tools to encourage legal immigration and simplify the procedural aspects, intensify the humanitarian corridors, and counter the criminal networks of smugglers, the “main, immediate and direct cause” of deaths at sea, as defined as the Minister of the Interior.

As far as the European front is concerned, according to the Government, a pact on Migration and Asylum is needed, a dossier at the center of the next EU Council. An issue that was also addressed during Meloni’s meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who insists on the application of the Dublin Regulation to limit secondary movements.
