Midsummer weather: Store for everything

Midsummer weather Store for everything



full screen Rain gear or shorts? Still unclear what the midsummer weather will be like. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

Midsummer is not far away, but what it offers in terms of weather is highly unclear. The basic tip is therefore, for now, to prepare for both high and low pressure.

– I have followed the forecast material for the midsummer weekend and see that it is very uncertain. An alternative is that a rather deep low pressure moves in over the country with precipitation. But there may also be high pressure and sun, states meteorologist Linus Karlsson at SMHI.

However, what can be predicted with some certainty is that the temperature will not drop drastically, even if there were to be a low pressure.

– It will be around normal for this time of year, that is, around the 20-degree mark or higher if the sun shows up, says Linus Karlsson.

The forecast material also indicates that the risk of a possible midsummer low pressure above all applies to the southern half of the country.

– As it looks now, there is a possibility of slightly more stable weather in the northern part. But as I said, it is very uncertain.

During the current weekend, the weather will be unsettled with rain moving in from the southwest and slowly continuing north.

– But sometimes there is room for sun in several places, says Linus Karlsson.

For Saturday, SMHI has also issued a yellow warning for gale force winds over the Skagerrak and Kattegatt. Winds will decrease during Saturday evening.
