Middlesex groundhogs predict early spring

Middlesex groundhogs predict early spring

Melbourne’s most famous furry fake rodents predicted an early spring during a damp Groundhog Day ceremony in front of the Townline Terrace Senior’s Complex on Feb. 2.

With JoAnn Lucas Galbraith presiding over the festivities, a small, socially distanced crowd of 19 people gathered at the Melbourne Road complex – including local dignitaries Southwest Middlesex Mayor Allan Mayhew and Strathroy-Caradoc Coun. Larry Cowan – to find out the stuffed animals’ weather predictions would be.

Middlemiss Mike and Melbourne Millie, unable to cast a shadow due to the lack of sun and light rain falling, came to the conclusion that spring would be just around the corner.

A video of the festivities as well as still shots of Melbourne’s 2022 Groundhog Day celebrations can be found on the A Split Village At A Crossroad Facebook page.
