Microsoft unveils new version of Windows 11 Task Manager

Microsoft unveils new version of Windows 11 Task Manager

The tabs will appear in the file manager of the next major Windows 11 update, but they will also disappear from the task manager. This is what Microsoft has just shown in a OS developer videointended for members of the Insider testing program.

In this video, we can see the changes that Microsoft will make to the task manager, whose appearance is now more in line with the graphic concepts of Windows 11. Thus, the tabs are replaced by a vertical icon bar, which you can see below left in the window.

The File, Options and View menus disappear and actions such as Run a new task are directly accessible at the top of the window, with keyboard shortcuts as well. In addition, it is possible to customize the display color of the values ​​(blue in the example above), or even activate the dark theme.

Microsoft also makes it possible to reduce the priority of a process that would be too greedy in processor resources. The option Efficiency mode is activated by right-clicking on the process.

You can thus regain responsiveness at the interface level without having to terminate the process that monopolizes CPU resources.

Microsoft is planning to apply the lower priority to other resources such as memory and network later. However, we will have to wait for the final version of Windows 11 22H2 to see to what extent the function is present.

Source : Youtube
