Microsoft patched Windows exploit for ransomware

Microsoft patched Windows exploit for ransomware

software giant Microsoft, It has taken a very important step and is a big deal used for ransom attacks. windows deficit closed.

Closed as transferred This deficit is in the zero-day category.was affecting all officially supported versions of Windows and was in active use. This Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) The attackers, who exploited the security-based vulnerability, were able to gain full access to the system they entered and used it to launch ransomware / ransomware attacks. Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky said the vulnerability was exploited specifically for Nokoyawa ransomware, which mainly targets small and medium-sized business Windows servers located in the Middle East, North America and Asia. According to the statement, Nokoyawa encrypts the files on the systems it has seized, then these data Threatened with stealing if ransom is not paid. Ransom attacks have been frequent in recent years, with hackers sharing the password only when they receive a large amount of payment that cannot be tracked with cryptocurrencies (Most of the time, it doesn’t share, so you shouldn’t pay.).


According to the information given by TC, the US cyber security agency CISA added the newly patched Windows vulnerability to its catalog of known vulnerabilities and requested federal agencies to update their systems before May 2. This vulnerability, which generally requires every system to be updated, seems very annoying, but it is glad that it has been closed. That’s why it’s so important to keep computers or phones constantly up to date. It is also noteworthy that Microsoft has fixed almost 100 problems as part of its latest update.
