Microsoft introduced Bing Image Creator, powered by artificial intelligence!

Microsoft introduced Bing Image Creator powered by artificial intelligence

Microsoftsearch engine New AI-powered Bing Image Creator for Bing and Microsoft Edgeintroduced me. This new tool is based on an advanced version of OpenAI’s DALL∙E model and allows users to create an image by describing it in their own words.

Bing Image Creator, It’s built into the Bing chat experience and makes it easy for users to create both written and visual content in one place. Users can create an image from their imagination by simply typing a description of an image, adding context such as location or event, and choosing an art style.

To prevent abuse of Image Creator, Microsoft Added protections and additional protections from OpenAI and the system controls controls to limit the creation of malicious images contains. When a potentially harmful prompt is detected, the system blocks it and warns the user.

In addition to Bing Image Creator, Microsoft also previewed updated Flashcards and new AI-powered visual stories. It’s an AI-powered, infographic-inspired experience that provides fun facts and important information at a glance, and has been updated to include interactive, dynamic content such as charts, graphs, timelines, visual stories, and more.
