Microsoft exclusive loses Game Director sound now…

Microsoft exclusive loses Game Director sound now

Announced during the Game Awards 2020, the reboot of the Perfect Dark license has been discreet since. No image, no intervention from the developers, but on the other hand departures which are beginning to seriously worry the players. A year after the unexplained departure of Drew Murray who held the position of lead designer (who returned to Insomniac Games, his favorite studio), we learn today that Dan Neuburger, the game director of the game, is no longer part of neither does The Initiative. His departure was spotted via his LinkedIn profile which details that he worked at the studio for 3 years, from June 2018 to February 2022. If the man has not made any official comment, such a departure necessarily raises questions about the development and direction that takes the game. It is true that the developers were looking to differentiate themselves from other FPS, but it seems that the vision of the game does not suit the game directors who follow one another…

Perfect Dark
