“Microsoft Bing may soon be more powerful than Google”

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OpenAI Developed by and made a lot of noise lately ChatGPT for one Microsoft Bing more details are on the agenda.

OpenAI signed ChatGPT, for those who still don’t know from here An advanced artificial intelligence system that can be used by logging in. System Although still in prototype stage understands natural language, responds in natural language, and is incredibly helpful in many ways. who have invested heavily in this system so far. Microsoft, last week, some features of the infrastructure directly into its own search engine. bing It made a sound with the news that it wants to integrate it into it. In this way, it aims to make Bing, which never stands out against Google, usable. MicrosoftWith this plan, it is on the agenda once again today. Because images showing how the new Microsoft Bing will look based on ChatGPT output. Shared by Owen Yin photos can be added to Bing’s top menu with a “CHATIndicates that the option of the ” menu will be placed. Pressing this opens a page and here ChatGPT A similar interaction is obtained with “CHAT” The menu can also be accessed through normal search results. The GIF below illustrates this. Microsoft It offers canned answers as suggestions in its own artificial intelligence-based chat infrastructure and shares resource links for information.

Microsoft Bing may soon be more powerful than Google


Prior to that, Semaphore was the yet-to-be-announced new version of GPT-3.5, the OpenAI signed language model that powers Microsoft’s search engine Bing, ChatGPT. that it will integrate GPT-4 had transferred. According to the CEO of OpenAI, there will not be a huge difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, but a much better experience can be obtained with certain items. On adding some features of GPT to Bing Microsoft, which has been waiting for many yearsAccording to previous claims, Bing may start the new era as of March.
