Micromania launches an eco-responsible Megacard in support of sick children

Micromania launches an eco responsible Megacard in support of sick children

Micromania, a famous chain of video games and goodies stores that needs no introduction, offers its most loyal customers a loyalty card allowing them to accumulate points, it’s not a scoop. This Megacard, that’s its name, will however evolve and become more eco-responsible and help sick children. Indeed, Micromania has just announced the creation of a card now eco-designed, that is to say made of wood, biodegradable and worth 1€. This symbolic euro requested will allow the brand to donate all the profits to the Rêve de Cinéma association, which is an association that offers sick and hospitalized children access to the cinema from their place of hospitalization. “When the children can no longer go to the cinema, it’s up to the cinema to move”, declares Lambert Wilson, Honorary President of the Rêve de Cinéma association.

Present today in nearly 150 hospitals in many French regions, the film screenings offered by the association reach around 25,000 children annually. We learn that these projections are made with professional equipment on a giant screen mounted for the occasion. With the participation of Micromania-Zing and its new Megacard, the “Rêve de cinéma” association will make it possible to offer more cinema screenings, but also to access regions that it cannot reach for the moment. for lack of resources. The objective is indeed to extend in the South of France, but also the North in a second time. This means 150 additional screenings to the 340 annual ones already proposed. In order to illustrate this great initiative, Micromania-Zing produced an explanatory video, with Alex Goude for the good mood.
