Micke Leijnegard gets exactly that little money for the Master of Masters

Micke Leijnegard gets exactly that little money for the Master

The champion of champions is back and this year it’s a competitive bunch to say the least that viewers will get to follow in the box.

That’s how Micke Leijnegard met his wife Sanna, who is 14 years his junior

The gang in the Master of Masters 2024. Image source: SVT

Joining the competition train are:

Anna Wijk – Floorball

Emma Johansson – Bicycle

Jimmy Samuelsson – Wrestling

Joel Lundqvist – Ice hockey

Johanna Ahlm – Handball

Johanna Davidsson – Adventurer

Sebastian Larsson – Soccer

Tony Rickardsson – Speedway

Anja Pärson – Alpine

Presenter for the 16th season in a row is Mike Leijnegard.

Micke Leijnegard talks about the salary

In connection with this week’s premiere of Mästarnas mäster spoke The evening paper with Micke and he told me, among other things, that he is yo-yo dieting before the program.

Sebastian Larsson’s cocky cock against Anja Pärson in Mästarnas mäster

– When spring comes, I’m a bit “flabby”… But then we go to the cabin and I do some carpentry and then you’re in a little better shape when you go back, he told me then.

During the interview they then got into this money thing. And Micke then revealed that he doesn’t earn that much from the Master of Masters.

Micke Leijnegard in Master of Masters. Image source: SVT

– It’s a minus. I am permanently employed and have a salary at a public service company, that says it all, so I don’t make any money. I have so I manage, sometimes there is too much month left at the end of the money. It works, thank God I have it True which is economical and smart. Before I met her, it was a lot of minuses sometimes, thanks to her it’s a second, he said and continued.

– No, but “Master of Masters” does not affect anything. I earn somewhere around 70,000 a month. That’s great, but if you’re almost 60 and have worked as a journalist since you were 22 then… yes, he concluded.
