Michelin Guide 2023: Guy Savoy and Christopher Coutanceau lose their 3 stars

Michelin Guide 2023 Guy Savoy and Christopher Coutanceau lose their

MICHELIN GUIDE. This Monday, February 27, 2023, the Michelin guide leaked disarming news: chefs Guy Savoy and Christopher Coutanceau lost their third star in the 2023 edition of the precious red guide to gastronomy.

[Mis à jour le 28 février 2023 à 9h27] This Monday, February 27, 2023, the Michelin guide shook the world of gastronomy by revealing, a week before the official announcement of his vintage, the demotion of chef Guy Savoy, three-starred since 2022 and elected best chef in the world for the 6th consecutive year. It’s his restaurant Guy Savoy from 11 quai de Conti in the 6e district of Paris, renowned for its famous artichoke soup with black truffles, which will lose its third star in the 2023 edition of Michelin. According to our colleagues from Point, the world director of the Michelin gastronomic guides Gwendal Poullennec would have announced the news himself in the afternoon to Guy Savoy. “Until now, I had only known the best moments in my career. (…) We lost the match this year but we will win it back next year”, reacted the Isérois chef to the AFP.

Other disconcerting news, the loss of the Grail was also announced in preview for the restaurant Christopher Coutanceau of the chef Rochelais of the same name, who has held 3 stars since 2020. “These are exceptional restaurants, so you can imagine that these are decisions that are carefully considered, supported by numerous visits from our inspectors throughout the year,” Gwendal Poullennec told AFP.

In total, five downgrades were revealed by the Michelin guide, because the Alpaca table in Megeve, Jean-Luc Tartarin in Le Havre and the Restaurant Michel Sarran in Toulouse were also demoted, each losing their 2nd stars… Chef Marc Veyrat, who had also been demoted by the red guide for his Maison des Bois in Manigod in 2020, reacted strongly this Monday evening following this news , he who had felt at the time that the new leadership of the guide was looking to “make the buzz”.

The official ceremony of the Michelin Guide France 2023, initially scheduled for Monday March 6 at 5 p.m. in Strasbourg in Alsace, is brought forward to 10 hours. This new ceremony will be an opportunity to discover all the new starred restaurants in France in 2023, but also the new green starswhich rewards sustainable restaurants, and other special prizes (pastry, hospitality, sommelier).

To obtain 3 stars, a restaurant must produce “remarkable cuisine, a table that is worth the trip”. The full list of 3-star restaurants for 2023 will be unveiled here on March 6.

According to the Michelin guide, an establishment that wins two stars offers “excellent cuisine and a table that deserves a detour”. The full list of new 2-star restaurants for 2023 will be unveiled on this page on March 6.

A star indicates “very good cuisine in its category”. The list of new stars will be announced here from Monday, March 6, 2023.

According to the Michelin Guide, these establishments “are distinguished by their good value for money and offer, midday and evening, at least a complete menu for a maximum price of around forty euros”. In 2023, 10 new “accessible” restaurants were distinguished in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 9 in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and 5 in Occitanie. Discover the list updated March 6, 2023.

The inspectors of the Michelin Guide, about forty in all, travel through France and Europe to award stars to a restaurant according to five criteria: the quality of the products, the personality of the cuisine (i.e. creativity), the mastery of cooking and flavors, the quality/price ratio as well as the regularity in the quality of the dishes offered. Avant-garde tables, traditional inns, remarkable institutions, the restaurants selected all testify to the richness of French heritage.

The 2023 edition of the Michelin France guide will be released on March 10, 2023 at a price of 29 euros.

Since 1900, the Michelin guide has listed good restaurants. Originally, the guide was offered to car drivers, it indicated railway stations, post offices, doctors, pharmacists, hotels and restaurants. If at the beginning, the stars indicated the price category of the restaurants, they did not take long to represent the quality of the establishment on the following basis: one star means excellent cuisine in its category, two stars indicate a table that is worth a detour. , and finally, three stars highlight exceptional cuisine, a table that is worth the trip.

Historically, the Michelin guide therefore indicated the best restaurants for drivers who traveled the roads of France. This is still true: a large number of houses are still near the national 7, a very busy road, linking Paris to the South of France. Many of today’s 3 stars are the legacy of ancestral houses taken over by the younger generation, like Maison Pic, Lameloise, Maison Troisgros…
