Michel de Certeau, French Jesuit priest, philosopher, theologian and historian

From left to right: Pierre-Édouard Deldique, Anne-Lorraine Bujon, Guillaume Leblanc, Jean-Louis Schlegel.

Pierre-Édouard Deldique devotes his magazine Ideas to Michel de Certeau, French Jesuit priest, philosopher, theologian and historian. With Anne-Lorraine Bujon, director of the magazine Esprit; Jean-Louis Schlegel, philosopher, sociologist of religions, editor, translator; and Guillaume Le Blanc, philosopher. This program was recorded at the headquarters of the magazine Esprit.

Esprit magazine, January-February 2022 issue, including the file entitled “The love of the margins. Around Michel de Certeau” in which Jean-Louis Schlegel and Guillaume Leblanc took part.

Cover Revue Esprit, Michel de Certeau.

From left to right: Jean-Louis Schlegel, Pierre-Edouard Deldique, Anne-Lorraine Bujon and Guillaume Le Blanc.

Jean-Louis Schlegel (front), Pierre-Edouard Deldique (right), Guillaume Le Blanc and Anne-Lorraine Bujon (back).

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