Michel Barnier’s new government will be “judged on its actions”, believes Marine Le Pen

Michel Barniers new government will be judged on its actions

Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly, made her political comeback on Sunday, September 8 in Hénin-Beaumont, her stronghold in Pas-de-Calais. After strolling through the streets of the city for the traditional flea market, the president of the parliamentary group gave her back-to-school speech.

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All smiles, she responds to requests for selfies in the streets of Hénin-Beaumont before joining the town’s National Rally (RN) office for a back-to-school speech, reports our special correspondent on the scene, Charlotte Urien-Tomaka. From the outset, she takes up the expression of Jordan Bardella on the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister: “ It is our duty to do justice as much as possible to the wishes expressed by the French people and to put the future government under surveillance.. »

We do not give carte blanche. If, over the weeks, the French were to be forgotten or mistreated again, we would not hesitate to censure the government. “, he thus hammered home Marine Le Pen.

In front of the press and in her speech, the leader of the RN deputies alternated between good points for Michel Barnier and warnings. For her, it was out of the question to condemn him outright. Marine Le Pen welcomed the search for “ compromise ” undertaken by the new Prime Minister, in accordance with what she expected from a Prime Minister” respectful of the 11 million voters of the National Rally “.

The appointment of Michel Barnier is a last resort, far from the hope that the National Rally and its voters have for France. But surely better than a Prime Minister who would be far left with his crazy program and his hatred in tow…

Marine Le Pen, during her back-to-school speech in Hénin-Beaumont

Charlotte Urien-Tomaka

She also considered that the former European Commissioner and minister of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy was not ” responsible for the balance sheet » ofEmmanuel Macronin particular of “ the almost untenable budget equation “left” in inheritance “. And this even if the right LR, that is to say ” Mr Barnier’s political family “, ” has accompanied all these errors over the years without ever agreeing to censor Emmanuel Macron “.

Also readFrance: New Prime Minister Michel Barnier consults, but remains under threat from the RN

I am not Emmanuel Macron’s HR director »

At the head of a group of 126 deputies, Marine Le Pen knows that she is in a position of kingmaker in this legislature. However, she denied having actively participated in the nomination of Michel Barnier to Matignon. I am not Emmanuel Macron’s HR director and, moreover, I think that only a Prime Minister from the National Rally can implement the National Rally’s project. “, Marine Le Pen told the press.

She was interviewed about an article in the JDD claiming that the President of the Republic had called her on Thursday, September 5, to ensure that the RN would not censor the new Prime Minister before his general policy speech, following very critical remarks made by RN MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy. On Thursday, ” I did not have any exchange with Emmanuel Macron “, assured Mrs. Le Pen. “ We were received by Emmanuel Macron, we said […] What were for us the criteria, the conditions which would lead to an immediate non-censorship on the part of the National Rally, of the Prime Minister who would be chosen? ” she said.

The leader of the National Rally considered that ” It would not be very reasonable to carry out censorship after the general policy speech. [de Michel Barnier]which I also think will most certainly correspond on a significant number of subjects to the hopes that we have “But the new government will be “ judged on the acts ” she tempered.

Also listen toJean-Pisani-Ferry: “Michel Barnier is the hostage of the National Rally”

Call for referendums on priority issues

Marine Le Pen called on Emmanuel Macron on Sunday to use a referendum to give the people a voice on priority issues and defuse the blockages in the Assembly. Emmanuel Macron himself, in the chaos he has created, has levers to make our democracy live, starting with the referendum that we have completely forgotten. “, lamented Marine Le Pen. “ We have suffered too much since 2017 from the proliferation of major debates, citizens’ conventions, in short from all these gadgets used to mimic direct democracy without ever implementing it. ” she added.

The RN ” will fully support any move to empower the people to decide directly “, because ” This will help to defuse as much as possible the blockages that will inevitably arise in the National Assembly and also to give back to the French people after several decades of referendum parsimony and after the democratic scandal. […] from the flouted referendum in 2005, the opportunity to address priority issues “, she added. She cited purchasing power, immigration, security, health, among the burning issues.
