Michel Barnier, a politician experienced in Europe as new Prime Minister

Michel Barnier a politician experienced in Europe as new Prime

By choosing Michel Barnier for Matignon, Emmanuel Macron has appointed the French politician who has spent the most time in Brussels. With three European Union (EU) mandates during his career, Michel Barnier has forged a strong European commitment that led him to the Brexit negotiation. A commitment from which he has however distanced himself since.

2 min

And with our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

The first appointment of Michel Barnier as European Commissioner for Regional Policy dates back 25 years, but it was above all his participation in the Convention for the Future of Europe that marked this first mandate, even if the European Constitutional Treaty did not survive. to its rejection by the French referendums and Dutch.

His first return to Brussels was in 2010 as Commissioner for the Internal Market. He then applied for the presidency of the European Commission. But it was especially during his last visit to Brussels for the Brexit that he marked the most.

After finally learning to speak English, Michel Barnier has built a reputation among European officials as a hard-working and efficient man facing a stream of British negotiators and prime ministers. He has managed to secure both an orderly withdrawal treaty for the United Kingdom and a still-valid agreement for Euro-British relations.

Break with European commitment

But he broke with this European commitment during the pre-campaign for the last French presidential election, because he advocated that France be exempted from following the decisions of the Court of Justice of the EU in order to regain its sovereignty in matters of immigration.

Which did not prevent the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyento congratulate Michel Barnier on his appointment as Prime Minister and to wish him ” much success in his new mission “. ” I know that Michel Barnier has the interests of Europe and France at heart, as his long experience demonstrates. ” she reacted on X (ex-Twitter).

Also listen toSpecial guest: Michel Barnier, an ambitious European returning to France
