Michael Caine still complains about the film that cost him his Oscar win

Michael Caine still complains about the film that cost him

Michael Caine has won a total of two Oscars and the actor was in front of the camera for more than 70 years before he retired last year. At over 90 years old, the Briton is looking forward to spending his retirement in peace. He will not be watching a particular film in his new-found free time either.

Jaws 4 was Michael Caine’s worst film – and he missed the Oscar acceptance

When Jaws 4 was filmed, Michael Caine already had three Oscar nominations under his belt. The shark sequel, on the other hand, was doomed to failure from the outset. You can’t even call the film a cult trash film. The rating of just 2 percent on the review platform RottenTomatoes speaks volumes. So why would an actor like Michael Caine star in such a film?


Jaws 4

He gave the answer in an interview with the Denver Post. In it he explained that he only had a small role in the film, but that he was able to enjoy a lot of advantages. Not least a Huge sums of money and a vacation made him accept the role:

It was only a 10-minute role. It was only 10 days of work. In Nassau. In the Bahamas. And they wanted to pay me a million dollars for 10 days.

Caine used this small role to take his family with him and turned the stay into a vacation. In addition, he was able to use the money finance his housewhich he built during this time. According to Screenrant, the cost of the construction exceeded expectations and so the project came at just the right time. That’s why he has absolutely no regrets:

I never saw the movie, but from what I hear it was awful. But I saw the house he built and it’s great.

The film has nevertheless caused damage. Although Caine only plays a small role in it, he is often accused of how bad the film is. In addition, he was able to not attend the 1987 Oscar ceremony – where he won his first Oscar for Supporting Actor for Hannah and Her Sisters.
