Micellar water: 60 million consumers alert about its components

Micellar water 60 million consumers alert about its components

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    To remove makeup, you may use micellar water. Contrary to what one might suppose, this product is in reality not so pure… The magazine 60 million consumers warns about the composition of micellar waters.

    The first micellar water appeared on the market more than 30 years ago. “Since Bioderma launched the first micellar water in 1991, many brands have launched theirs” reminds the magazine 60 million consumers.

    What is the composition of micellar water?

    This make-up removal product allows you to clean the face, in case of light make-up or to complete make-up removal.

    If micellar water does contain water as the first ingredient, there are others. In total, 60 million consumers count 16 in micellar water from the Diadermine brand, 10 in that of Bioderma…

    And some are “problematic” substances, such as polyaminopropyl biguanide, suspected of being carcinogenic. These molecules are, however, “highly regulated” and generally “in reduced quantities”.

    Due to the small surface area of ​​the face, 60 million consumers consider the risk to be “negligible”.

    Micellar waters, which do not rinse off

    Today, there are micellar waters for all skin types. Generally, they are used without rinsing, but for 60 million consumers, people with sensitive skin “have every interest in doing so, because micellar water has detergent properties.”

    Although this product is called “water”, it is in reality composed of many elements, almost as many as other cosmetics. The term “water” is also denounced by the consumer association, which considers that having had the idea of ​​calling this type of product “water” is “clever”, because “this immediately refers to the notion of purity and simplicity of the formula”. But for the consumer association, “the term, more marketing than explanatory, is however exaggerated“.

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