MFP Radio Journalism Awards 2022: the stories in the running

The Prix du journalisme radio des Médias francophones publics (MFP) distinguishes each year the best treatment of a current event, the best investigation or the best report on a social fact presented by the editorial staff of the five member radios of the MFP: Radio France, Radio-Canada, RFI, RTS and RTBF.

The five pre-selected recordings for the final competition are presented to the public on the sites of MFP member radios and during a special broadcast by all participating radios on November 21, 2022. The results will be announced on Sunday December 4, 2022. , at the end of the deliberation of the jury of auditors.

The order of the presentation of the reports and their passage on the antennas was established by a draw, on October 12, 2022, at the general secretariat of the MFPs.

Discover the reports in competition


“Gao, last convoy for Niamey”

Mounia Daoudi, reporting.

On August 15, 2022, the last soldiers of the Barkhane force in Mali left the PfOD of Gao, the desert operational platform, ending more than 9 and a half years of French army presence in Mali. Shortly before the departure of this last military unit responsible for securing the premises before the handover to the FAMa, the Malian armed forces, the last logistics convoy left what was the largest base of Barkhane in Mali, heading for Niger. Our special correspondent Mounia Daoudi was able to attend the final preparations before this departure.

Gao, last convoy for Niamey


“The horror experienced by a mother in Boutcha »

Maurine Mercier

These are two rare testimonies and they are difficult. They describe the horror that women and girls experienced in Boutcha, Ukraine. A mother agreed to break the silence, to tell what she endured: continuous rapes. The soldiers had almost taken up residence in her home… HER home which they transformed into hell. This woman–and her daughter–have placed their trust in Maurine Mercier. More than 3 hours of recorded interviews to say the unspeakable.

The horror experienced by a mother in Boutcha
RTS – His Report – The horror experienced by a mother in Boutcha – Maurine Mercier


“The invisible want to be seen”

Marie-Laure Josselin

“The Invisible Want to Be Seen” is a powerful and gripping report on the difficult healing of residential school survivors just days before the Pope’s visit to Canada.

The invisible want to be seen
RC – His Report – The invisible want to be seen – Marie-Laure Josselin

French Radio

“Life under Russian occupation and its stigmata”

Boris Loumagne

The report was shot on September 19, 2022 in Ukraine in two small villages located between the cities of Izium and Kharkiv, in the east of the country. These two villages had just been liberated by the Ukrainian army a few days before our arrival. The angle of the subject was devoted to the daily life in these villages during the Russian occupation which lasted several months. We also wanted to study the stigma left on the villagers after such an experience.

Life under Russian occupation and its stigma


“Under the planes, Brussels”

Nicolas Vandeweyer, Jerome Durant.

Flying over Brussels… an inextricable file, the result of a complex equation: a private airport located in Flanders, of which it is an economic engine, but a stone’s throw from Brussels, for whom the airport is above all synonymous with air pollution. This report questions the way in which the Belgian State organizes the overflight of its capital rather than the fields of Flemish Brabant.

Under the planes, Brussels
RTBF – His Reportage – Under the planes, Brussels – J. Durant and N.Vandeweyer
