Mexico to get first female president – more than 20 politicians murdered during election campaign | Foreign countries

Mexico to get first female president more than 20

On Sunday, two people died in the violence that broke out at the polling stations.

On Sunday, Mexico voted in the presidential elections, the overwhelming favorite of which is the former mayor of the capital Mexico City Claudia Sheinbaum. He has led his main opponent in the polls Xochitl Galvez by 17 percentage points.

Sheinbaum, 61, represents the same leftist party as the outgoing president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorwhom Sheinbaum has called his mentor.

Unless something totally surprising happens, Mexico will get its first female president in the elections, as the only male candidate in the elections, a centrist Jorge Alvarez Maynez has been far behind the top two in polls.

The polling stations only close on the night between Sunday and Monday Finnish time.

Two people died at the polling stations

On Sunday, two people died in the violence that broke out at the polling stations, local authorities said.

One of the victims died when outsiders broke into the polling station to steal ballots. Another of the victims was shot in connection with the attack at the polling station.

Both clashes took place in the central parts of the country in the state of Puebla.

Thousands of soldiers on the streets

Rival drug cartels have been at war in Mexico in recent years, and there is no guarantee that elections will be safe. Thousands of soldiers have been assigned to ensure the smooth running of the elections.

More than 20 politicians have been murdered during the bloody election campaign. In two southern locations, voting has had to be postponed due to violence.

– The fight against organized crime is the new president’s biggest challenge, summed up the professor Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera from the American George Mason University for the news agency AFP.

According to him, the worst failure of the Lopez Obrador administration was precisely the failure to take care of security.

Sheinbaum has said that he will continue the softer line of his predecessor, where crime is prevented by addressing its root causes. Galvez, on the other hand, has promised tougher measures.

Source: AFP
