Mexico: an “app” for last wishes and posthumous messages

Mexico an app for last wishes and posthumous messages

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    “Have you thought about what would happen if you died suddenly?” : a Mexican has designed an application to store messages and last wishes that a user would like to share with his loved ones after his death.

    The app, dubbed Past Post, “lets leave your affairs in order for that moment which will come when you least expect it“, explains to AFP its creator, the entrepreneur Miguel Farrell.

    For example, it allows a father in good health to record congratulatory messages that his children can listen to several years later when they graduate, if he ever dies in the meantime, as shown in a promotional video.

    Past Post keeps the video in the form of an NFT – a certificate of authenticity associated with a computer file which can be an image, a text or a piece of music – which cannot be copied or altered.

    NFTs are recorded on a “blockchain”, a technology that serves in particular to support cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

    For 19 dollars per year, the application fits into the niche of so-called “after life” solutions.

    It also makes it possible to record advance directives such as preference for care or for the organization of the funeral. The user can also leave instructions on the administration of his bank accounts or his accounts on social networks.

    A digital will? The designer of the application recalls that Past Post cannot replace a real will, for which the law requires a notarized document.

    The document created by the application”has no legal value but it has a very important symbolic value“, he underlines.

    In the land of the Day of the Dead, the vast majority of Mexicans have neither a will nor a heritage inventory, according to the Past Post website.
