Metro: beware of atmospheric pollution!

Metro beware of atmospheric pollution

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    According to a new study, the underground air of the Copenhagen metro, particularly polluted, would kill thousands of Danes each year.

    Each year, air pollution is responsible for the death of 40,000 French people according to Public Health France. Fine particles, which are not only found near roads or factories, but also… in the metro. At least that’s what emerges from a new study, conducted by the University of Copenhagen and published in the journal Environment International.

    The air of the metro 10 to 20 times more polluted than that of the road

    As part of this survey, researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and those from the University of Aarhus measured the concentration of harmful particles in the air of trains on all metro lines and stations in Copenhagen.

    This is how they discovered that the concentration of harmful particles in the underground air of Copenhagen was 10 to 20 times higher than on the most polluted stretch of road in the city.

    This underground air pollution is believed to come mainly from train brakes, wheels and rails – all made of iron.

    The friction of moving and decelerating trains would indeed release iron particles into the air, which would represent 88% of the particles detected by scientists.

    However, due to their microscopic size, these particles can easily penetrate the lungs and the blood.

    Our measurements show that the metro is probably the public space in Copenhagen where you are exposed to the most concentrated air pollution. If you use the metro a lot or work there, it can have an impact on your health (…).” Therefore, “Measures should be taken to drastically reduce the concentration of particles“says Professor Matthew S. Johnson of the Department of Chemistry, who led the study.

    This research also shows that the metro station “Forum” wins “the award for the most polluted station in the entire Copenhagen network“.

    In France, an air three times more polluted

    In June 2022, the National Health Security Agency (Anses) compared the air in the metros of the seven major cities that have one in France with that of the urban air in each of the cities. Result: the air in the metro is three times more loaded with fine particles than urban air. ANSES then pleaded for the implementation of indicators, the strengthening ofs devices for monitoring air pollution in the various enclosure environments (platforms, stations, trains) and the study of the effects of this pollution on the body.

    Faced with this underground pollution, which is too often ignored, should wearing an anti-pollution mask replace the anti-covid mask?
