Many who couldn’t afford World of Warcraft eventually ended up with Metin2. The Korean game was not only my first MMORPG, it also taught me all the things you can do wrong.
What is Metin2?
There used to be many Metin2 servers, but the passage of time has caused interest in the game to decline. However, Metin2 is still available today and has even more viewers on Twitch than Lost Ark and New World. However, the exact number of players is not known, and many players also play on private servers.
The MMORPG offers both PvE and PvP elements and, as is usual for Korean games, is very grind-heavy. The game is easiest played in a group or guild.
You can see what’s behind Metin 2 in the following trailer:
One of the biggest MMORPGs in Europe is Metin2 – in the trailer from 2017 it shows how it has aged
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I did everything wrong
Who is writing here? Cedric Holmeier is a freelance author at Mein-MMO and is now an expert on Asia MMORPGs. After starting out in Metin2, he has played many MMORPGs from Asia and spent thousands of hours in their worlds.
When I think back to the beginning of Metin2, I’m almost ashamed of how many mistakes I made back then.
When I started playing on the Mikor server around 2008, I didn’t know any MMORPGs. I knew Metin2 from a friend who played the game with friends, so I basically went into the game blindly and fell on my face 5 times.
My first mistake: the wrong class
My first mistake was at the very beginning of the game. I chose the warrior class because it looked cool. After completing the first steps (which probably took a few days for me), you select a subclass in Metin2. This can no longer be easily changed. I chose the Mental Warrior (Tank) instead of the Aura Warrior (DD).
At the time, I probably assumed that you could complete all the content in each class on your own without any problems, so I clicked with what sounded best to me.
But the mistake is that back then, as a mental warrior, you really couldn’t do anything on your own. As a tank who only does damage with his abilities, it was very difficult for me to level up, which I eventually just stopped doing.
My 2nd mistake: Quests? Don’t feel like reading
My next mistake follows directly on. The quests in Metin2 were very confusing back then and I didn’t feel like reading the nonsense. So I didn’t do it, I didn’t read the quests and I didn’t do them.
This didn’t help with the difficult leveling of my tank and made my progress even slower. In addition, I would have received items through the quests that would have helped me make my character stronger.
My third mistake: I don’t need it, I leave it alone
On the subject of items, I’ll come to my next mistake. Back then, I always simply threw away items that I couldn’t use. Things like the black leaf dagger, the lion sword or the horn bow always ended up in the trash.
However, the items often have a value that can be very high, even for items for low-level characters. This has to do with the random values that some weapons can have. If I had sold the items, I could have used the money to make my characters much stronger.
My 4th mistake: simply leveling skills
The next mistake I made involves skill leveling. Metin2 had a nasty mechanic when it came to skill level. The skills level up to level 16 and then they have a chance to jump to the master level. However, I didn’t know this, which caused me to lose several levels without realizing it.
You could reset your skills up to a certain level, but I didn’t know that at the time and missed the chance.
My 5th mistake: Too gullible
My last mistake was probably due to my gullibility. There was a trick in Metin2 where you could trigger a bug that would then throw the wrong item out of your inventory. At that time the trick was called the “doubling trick”. I was a victim twice, if I remember correctly.
Under the promise of doubling my item, I was told to follow the steps the abuser told me. However, when I did this, another item was dropped instead of the one shown. The perpetrator quickly grabbed my item and disappeared with it.
Despite the flaws, it was great!
Despite the many bugs, I had a lot of fun with Metin 2. Over time I got better and better, stopped making my mistakes and understood how MMORPGs work. The time in Metin2 is one of my best times in MMORPGs and I still look back on it fondly today.
Back then, mistakes were normal and there were no guides or videos to show me the game or lists of tasks that had to be completed every day.
I did what I wanted to do and everyone else did too. That’s part of the charm of the game and who knows, maybe without Metin2 I would never have become a freelance author at Mein-MMO. Not only do I have a lot of memories with Metin2, Mein-MMO author Jasmin Beverungen also has a very special relationship with Metin2: Thanks to an MMORPG, I became a loser at school, but I would play it again