Metformin, a miracle molecule against aging?

Metformin a miracle molecule against aging

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Christophe de Jaeger (Longevity and geriatrics)

    A drug known for several decades and used in the treatment of diabetes, metformin is a molecule that is experiencing renewed attention. It would help you lose weight and slow down the aging process. Are we in front of a miracle drug? The point of view of Dr Christophe de Jaeger, physiologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee.

    After Ozempic and its derivative Wegovy, it is metformin’s turn to generate interest due to the weight loss and other longevity benefits that the drug is said to be able to provide.

    Metformin, a miracle molecule?

    Used for a long time to treat diabetes, metformin is a “safe and reliable” molecule, explains first of all Dr. Christophe de Jaeger, physician physiologist and member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    Various studies have shown that metformin is able to promote weight loss, but also to improve the lifespan and health of laboratory mice. “This molecule is exciting for these two reasons: it has a wealth of actions, in addition to its anti-diabetic effect and it allows weight loss” confirms the senescence specialist.

    Different known actions of metformin on the cell

    The drug substance therefore has different properties that influence cell function. “It regulates carbohydrate metabolism, activates cellular waste management mechanisms by making them more efficient, plays on inflammation, activates FOXO genes which play a role in longevity, improves cardiovascular metabolism, and has an anti-inflammatory action. -cancerous” further enumerates Dr. de Jaeger.

    So many effects that do not make it a miracle molecule. “This type of molecule will stimulate the curiosity of people who are looking for a miracle solution, but this is not one because we completely go beyond the medical prescription when we take metformin when we are not diabetic.” supports the specialist.

    Bryan Johnson, this multimillionaire who wants to rejuvenate

    This person profile could correspond to that of Bryan Johnson, a 45-year-old multimillionaire, who has decided to devote his life – and his money – to getting back into the shape of his 18 years, by taking metformin in particular. According to Dr. de Jaeger, “cIt’s not going to make him younger, no, but by establishing a follow-up of this type, this man puts all the chances on his side to fight against senescence, that is to say the aging of our systems which makes the bed of diseases “.

    In addition to metformin, other drugs, a cocktail of vitamins and food supplements, the man adheres to a special diet, goes to bed every night at 8:30 p.m. and does one hour of sport a day in more intensive sessions, three times a week. “It’s a new trend, taking care of your health capital to try to avoid age-related pathologies” comments the doctor. “Because chronological age has nothing to do with the age of our organs, like the arteries or the heart“.

    A makeover at two million euros per year

    For Bryan Johnson, the makeover seems to be working since according to the thirty doctors who follow him, the man – who spends 2 million dollars a year for this care – would have a heart only 37 years old, skin 28 years old and lungs of the capacity of those of a young man of 18 years.

    This is encouraging for the general population, because this man puts himself in the spotlight and can motivate people to take care of their health before it deteriorates. The only downside I have to this type of intervention is that you have to understand that metformin or any other molecule, if it is useful for him, that does not mean that it is for everyone.“says Dr. de Jaeger again. “In short, there is no simple and unequivocal solution to respond to the complex process that is senescence. concludes the physiologist.
