Météo France will help cities and businesses adapt to global warming

Meteo France will help cities and businesses adapt to global

In order to better anticipate disasters linked to global warming, Météo France has just signed a new contract of objectives with the Ministry for Ecological Transition to help companies, ski resorts and cities.

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Whereas the IPCC has just released a new report on the state of climate change and solutions for adapting to the phenomena weather report extremes, Météo France is committed to the Ministry of Ecological Transition to provide better and more innovative services. This contract of objectives to be held over the period 2022-2026 sets the three main priorities: contributing to knowledge of the climate, its past and future evolution, and actively collaborating in climate change exercises climate simulation international and reports conducted within the framework of the IPCC. Enlighten decision-makers and economic actors in their efforts to adapt to climate change thanks to new services. Continue to raise awareness among all audiences of the consequences of climate change “.

More observations and artificial intelligence to improve predictions

First of all, the meteorological organization wants to improve its forecasts of dangerous weather phenomena. The implementation of vigilance in the event of bad weather will increase from 24 hours in advance to two days. To be more precise, Météo France intends to continue developing the use ofartificial intelligence and use new sources of data (from participatory observation systems, social networksof webcams or even connected objects) in addition to traditional observation systems to better observe the weather and improve its forecasts. Ten new sources of observation data produced by third parties will also be integrated into the operational systems of Météo France.

Ski resorts, businesses and cities will benefit from climate projections

Meteo France ” will multiply its action by deploying, widely, and in partnership, new support offers for State services, local authorities and actors in the economic sectors in their efforts to adapt to climate change. In this sense, at least five new services dedicated to adaptation to climate change will be launched by Météo France by 2026”.

Among these tools, Clidiag which has just been launched: it is an awareness-raising tool to help companies become aware of their sensitivity to climate change. Thanks to the study of past climate and the projections on the weather future, Clidiag identifies the strategies that the company must develop in the face of the climate risks that concern it.

Another program making its debut, Climsnowintended for stations ski : this tool makes it possible to quantify the reliability of snow cover (natural packed snow, with or without artificial snow), its variability and the ability of each station to maintain its operation according to climate projections until 2100, with what effort and how. The idea is to ” allow ski resorts to use the information provided by Climsnow to then plan investment choices based on projections of the future state of the coat snowy ».

Météo France intends to offer the same type of tool, for municipalities this time, including the smallest of them, by the end of 2022.

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