Metaverse never falls off the agenda! Worrying warning from Russia

Metaverse never falls off the agenda Worrying warning from Russia

Metaverse is defined as a world of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, meet, work and play using virtual reality (VR) headsets, augmented reality (AR) glasses, smartphone apps or other devices. The fact that Metaverse has become a rising trend recently is based on the metaverse plans of Facebook, which changed its name to Meta, and the company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. However, even before the plans are fully operational, it seems that sexual harassment scandals are occurring in the metaverse areas that are already available. All of this raises concerns about potential crime in the metaverse in the future. Regulators in Russia have drawn attention to this point.


According to the news of Russia Today; The Roskomnadzor Scientific Technical Center, the federal agency responsible for mass media monitoring in Russia, has released a report assessing the potential risks and possibilities of VR spaces where people can interact across national borders.

According to the report, the metaverse can be used in illegal transactions carried out in cryptocurrency, including trade between people of different nationalities that may violate border regulations. The authors claim that the sandboxes will be ripe for the drug trade or the trafficking of other prohibited substances.


The report also addresses concerns about the consequences of virtual interaction on human behavior.

At this point, “The transformation of perception due to being in the Metaverse will have a meaningful cultural impact on society and will change social behavior, including downplaying moral and ethical norms due to the use of a virtual avatar,” the article draws attention. They warn that this could particularly affect children, who are “the most vulnerable group in the new metaverse.”

Besides assessing the potential risks of virtual reality, the report provides an overview of its possibilities, including the growth of new marketplaces, such as the growing demand for video games and forms of online entertainment.

It also cites activist Greta Thunberg, who has used her online profile to raise awareness of the dangers of climate change, while allegedly increasing online life is enabling new forms of political activity.
