Meta: “We do not threaten anyone to leave Europe”

Meta We do not threaten anyone to leave Europe

Meta, the umbrella company of Facebook and Instagram, which was established at the end of last year, made a new statement specific to Europe. As we mentioned before, an umbrella company named Meta was established on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp at the end of last year in line with the future-oriented metaverse goal. This roof company has not been on the agenda with a European-based issue lately. For those who do not know, the European Union is working on the introduction of a new law. Behind this work is keeping European user data in Europe. According to the statement, users’ data is currently processed jointly between US and European servers, which is of great importance for many companies in providing customized advertising. Meta, who states that they will experience a serious loss of income since the new regulation will directly prevent this, objects to this new period. That’s said to add more than 70 companies. In the past days, Meta even made a statement saying that we will close Facebook and Instagram in Europe so that this law does not come into effect. This is many […]

Meta: The article “We do not threaten anyone to leave Europe” was first published on Technology news – LOG.
