Meta has developed an AI system that creates 3D objects from text

Behind Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Metaan artificial intelligence system that creates 3D objects from written text developed.

Meta has been doing really great work on artificial intelligence in recent years. The company currently has a service that produces 2D images from written content. is now making waves with an artificial intelligence system that can create 3D objects from written text. “Meta 3D GeneThe system, called “ ”, can produce in less than 1 minute, according to the statement. The system, which can apply new textures and coatings to both created and uploaded 3D objects using text commands, also supports animated content. You can watch the prepared promotional video of Meta 3D Gen below.judging by the examples shown by the company, it can produce very good results. The system, which seems to make designers’ lives incredibly easy and save time, is currently a research project. So the 3D Gen system is not yet available for public use. not.


Before this, the possibility of the company offering a paid infrastructure for the Meta AI infrastructure in the coming period had made noise. Productive AI systems create huge server costs, That’s why many companies are looking at the new era as “Premium” wants to support with packages. There are not many details yet, but Meta will also support in the coming period It is claimed that it may offer a paid package for the “AI” infrastructure that is already in use. The company, which is thought to offer more advanced opportunities to people under a paid package or version, can open up another very solid source of income for itself in this regard.
