Meta continues to improve the PC version of WhatsApp in order to make it as user-friendly as possible. From now on, we will be able to make voice and video calls much more easily on the Windows 11 version of the application.

Meta continues to improve the PC version of WhatsApp in

Meta continues to improve the PC version of WhatsApp in order to make it as user-friendly as possible. From now on, we will be able to make voice and video calls much more easily on the Windows 11 version of the application.

WhatsApp constantly strives to improve and keep up with its competitors. In addition to the many new features on the mobile application, such as the ability to send messages to yourself, Meta – the group that owns Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp – is gradually fine-tuning the Windows version (WhatsApp Desktop) of the platform – who is available on Microsoft Store. It has recently become autonomous, no longer needing to have your smartphone next to you to operate, and has modernized its interface. One of the points that we can however reproach him for is that all the functions of the application are not available on a computer. The firm is therefore working to correct this problem and adds, in the beta version of WhatsApp for Windows 10 and 11, a new shortcut in the left column of the application, as reported windowslatest.

WhatsApp in Windows: One-Click Call History

Now, a “Calls” entry is present between the “Chats” and “Status” tabs. As on the mobile version, the tab displays the history of audio and video calls. By clicking on one of them, the user can know the date, duration and status – incoming, outgoing, missed. Three buttons also allow you to call in audio or video and to send a written message on WhatsApp to the contact in question. A rather practical addition for those who make calls via the platform and who prefer to be comfortably installed or to continue their activities during a call. We can also note the presence of a search bar to find a particular call or start a new one, which can possibly be useful for those who use the messaging system a lot.

Previously, users had to open the chat window and click the call button to reach the contact. This new tab makes it easy and quick to reach anyone. This feature also allows WhatsApp to better compete with other instant messengers, including Messenger. For now, it is only available in the Windows app beta. The deployment will therefore be done gradually, and everyone should benefit from it within a few weeks.
