Meta Announces “Sound” Focused Artificial Intelligence System!

Meta Announces Sound Focused Artificial Intelligence System

Meta, one of the biggest technology companies of today, announced Voicebox, a voice-oriented artificial intelligence system, yesterday.

With the development of technology, there has been a serious increase in artificial intelligence systems. In particular, every big technology company introduced its own artificial intelligence system. Promo by Meta Voicebox can translate texts into human speech.

In the promotional news, Voicebox was trained using more than 50,000 hours of voice. The system, which supports 6 different languages ​​for now, has been announced to support more languages ​​in the future. The sound recording system allows you to create the original sound you want by completely eliminating the unwanted sounds (car horn, etc.) that occur during recording.

Meta said that one of their main goals is to make the lives of visually impaired people easier. It looks like it will be a very useful system for human history in the future.

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