Meta and Qualcomm Join Forces for VR!

Meta and Qualcomm Join Forces for VR

Meta, one of today’s largest companies, will join forces with another technology giant Qualcomm, expanding its work for VR. Two big companies are planning to achieve great success in the future.

WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram Meta, which is the umbrella company of social media platforms such as, plans to take important steps for virtual reality. In line with Meta’s plans, work on creating special chipsets for virtual reality has begun. Meta, within the scope of these studies chipset decided to join forces with Qualcomm, one of its manufacturers.

Meta shows great work for virtual reality, which is expected to increase in the number of users and popularity in the future. In this period when VR glasses are expected to become widespread, those who want to hand over the helm of the processor to a solid captain Meta, used its choice by Qualcomm. Qualcomm has made a name for itself in the technology world, especially with its success on the mobile side. Qualcomm had produced special chipsets for Meta in the previous period. Both Meta and Qualcomm were pleased with these titles.

The two companies, which officially announced their partnership last Friday, are planning to come up with new chipsets in the future. Intensifying their work especially on the VR side Qualcommwill introduce the new chipset in October. New in Meta with the chipset to be introduced in October VR headsets will present the world of technology to its liking. No explanation and details were shared by Meta about the new VR headsets. However, rumor has it that Meta’s new titles hybrid will have a structure.

See also: Kızılay Enters Metaverse World!
