Mercer Italia SIM receives authorization to operate

1694132772 Mercer Italia SIM receives authorization to operate

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Mercer Italia SIM has received authorization to operate by the market regulators, CONSOB and the Bank of Italy. Luca De Biasi holds the position of CEO, Marco Valerio Morelli of executive president and Giorgio Di Giorgio of independent director.

“Our strategy will be the combination of a recognized global experience with a deep knowledge of the local market and the protagonists of the world of institutional investors”, wrote De Biasi on LinkedIn.

“Today Mercer Investments globally serves over 12,000 institutional clients for a total of 16,800 billion dollars in assets under consultancy: bringing our global dimension to Italy means generating value for the country with a deep-rooted and structured presence in investment consultancy , and we have decided to do so as a locally regulated entity, in order to better serve pension funds, provident funds, foundations,” Morelli explained on LinkedIn.

Mercer is active in advice on human capital, for actuarial and social security services and for investments by institutional investors and wealth management networks. In Italy it has offices in Milan, Rome and Bolognaand serves 400 customers, including some of the most important Italian and foreign industrial groups, the main financial institutions, funds, pension funds, foundations and family offices.

Mercer is a company of group Marsh McLennana world leader in professional services in the risk, strategy & people sectors, with 83,000 employees and an annual turnover exceeding 20 billion dollars.

(Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash)
