Mercenaries, diamonds and gold – now the Central African Republic hopes that Russia will also establish a permanent military base in the country

Mercenaries diamonds and gold now the Central African Republic

Russia has surreptitiously increased its influence in the Central African Republic by sending Wagner mercenaries to the country. The Conflict Investigation Organization accuses Russian soldiers of atrocities.

Central African Republic seeks permanent Russian military base, Moscow’s ambassador Leon Dodonu-Punagaza says.

Russia said earlier today that it is sending 300 troops to the country for training.

There are already 500 Russian soldiers in the Central African Republic tasked with training and assisting the country’s army in the fight against the rebels, according to Russian authorities.

The presence of Russian soldiers, according to the organization, has increased internal tensions in the country, and inflamed the country’s relations with its partners.

Organization of the researcher Pauline Baxin according to Russia, by providing military assistance, it has succeeded in gaining a lot of political and economic influence in the country.

For example, Russian companies close to Putin’s regime have gained access to the country’s abundant diamond and gold reserves.

He also blames the mercenaries of the Russian Wagner Group for the atrocities that have exacerbated the already delicate balance of power in the Central African Republic.
