Mercedes will introduce its Level 3 autonomous driving system on the S-Class and EQS

Mercedes will introduce its Level 3 autonomous driving system on

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On May 17, Mercedes Benz will officially launch its Drive Pilot automated driving system, on its S-Class and on theEQS, but only in Germany for now. It is the first commercially available Level 3 system in the world, a further step towards full autonomy.

Drive Pilot allows the driver to assign driving tasks to the system in certain conditions and in heavy traffic or congestion, up to a speed 60 km/h. Above all, this represents an unprecedented driving experience because, during this time, the motorist can relax or even work without having to keep his hands on the steering wheel or even his eyes on the road. This is the big difference with the Autopilot of You’re here for example.

Soon in the United States

Level 3 of automated driving corresponds to that where the system is able to take control of the car, under certain conditions. From then on, the driver no longer has to pay attention to what is happening in front of him on the road and can do anything else, such as reading or watching a video. Be careful though, at any time an alert can encourage him to take control manually if necessary. To achieve such performance, the system of mercedes is based on radar data, LiDAR (measurement by detection laser), cameras, sensors ofultrasound and humidity.

If Mercedes is only launching its Drive Pilot in Germany for the moment, it is because it is currently not approved anywhere else. The German manufacturer is nevertheless hopeful of being able to launch it soon in the United States, at least in California and Nevada.

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