MEPs call for denying Hungary the right to vote in the EU Council | News in brief

The initiative is a response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Obán’s recent “peace tours”.

At least 63 MEPs are petitioning the European Commission to strip Hungary of the right to participate in EU-related votes in the Council of the European Union.

The initiative is a response from the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Obán’s recent “peace trips” to Moscow and Beijing.

At the beginning of July, Obán’s visit to Russia was widely condemned in the member states of the European Union.

The EU leadership has stated that Hungary’s role as the EU Council Presidency does not give Orbán a mandate to visit Russia and he will not represent the EU during the visit.

Hungary started the EU presidency in July.

– Prime Minister Obán has already caused significant damage by abusing and abusing the role of the Council Presidency, Politico the letter I saw says.

The letter has been signed by MEPs from different parties. For example, several socialists, liberals, conservatives, reformists, members of the center and greens are behind the initiative.

MEPs cannot formally deprive Hungary of the right to vote in the Council, but with an initiative they can pressure the EU into tougher measures regarding Hungary.

Source: Reuters
