Mental health: the confidences without taboo of the singer Louane

Mental health the confidences without taboo of the singer Louane

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    The singer, actress and mother confided in her “fragile mental health” on the occasion of the release of her new album, entitled “Feelings”.

    Depression, addictions, phobias, eating disorders… In France, one person in five is affected by a mental disorder each year. An anxious state, which the singer Louane knows well, she who very early suffered from mental health problems.

    The singer has been following a shrink since the age of 8

    The singer and actress, mother of a little Esme born in March 2020, revealed on the networks to be helped for many years.

    I have no shame in assuming that the first time I saw a shrink I was 8 years old and I still see one today“, she confides.

    A confidence, which is not so surprising when we retrace the tumultuous life of the musician: very early on, Louane had to overcome the death of her father – in 2013 – shortly followed by the death of her mother, suffering from ‘cancer. A double mourning difficult to tame.

    Mental health, it’s probably from there [d’où] everything goes. As far as I can remember, from childhood, I have always had a fragile mental health, although hyper surrounded and loved.”, adds the artist.

    Difficulties, which finally inspired him: his latest opus, “Feelings”, to be released on December 9, is a real concentrate of emotions.

    Five titles come from the confidences of his audience and five titles reveal his feelings and personal anecdotes.
