Mental Health in Middle School: 9 Signs Your Child Needs Help

Mental Health in Middle School 9 Signs Your Child Needs

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    With the start of the school year just a few days away, it’s a good idea to take stock. Middle school, in particular, is an exciting time, but also a place for some to experience weakened mental health, or even violent behavior. These signs can help you detect your child’s discomfort and the need for help.

    The start of the school year is approaching with its share of exciting new things and new milestones. But for some teenagers, middle school is also the scene of isolation, of unease, and sometimes even a place of violence, whether they are victims or perpetrators. Hence the need to quickly detect the signs of poor mental health in our children. In the magazine Psychology Todaya psychologist reveals the signs that should alert you.

    9 Signs You Need Attention and Care

    • A change of mood or behavior: Be alert for sudden or drastic changes in your child’s mood, personality, or behavior. This may include increased anger, aggression, withdrawal, or dramatic mood swings;
    • Difficulty in building relationships : Difficulties establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with peers, or signs of social isolation may indicate a need for additional support;
    • A decline in academic results : A sudden, significant drop in grades or disengagement from schoolwork may be a symptom of a larger problem;
    • Psychosis or suicidal thoughts. Paranoid ideas, delusions and any mention of wanting to harm oneself or end one’s life should be taken seriously and immediate psychiatric treatment should be provided. ;
    • Substance use : alcohol or drug use can both contribute to and be a result of underlying mental health problems;
    • Bullying that he is subjecting himself to or suffering from. Bullying others and being the target of bullying can both be indicators of underlying issues that need to be addressed;
    • A desire for revenge: If your child seems to harbor intense feelings of resentment, anger, or a need for revenge, this could be a cause for concern;
    • Lack of empathy or remorse: A lack of compassion for others or an inability to feel remorse for their actions may indicate a need for intervention;
    • An obsession with violence : If your child develops an unusual fascination with violent media, this is a red flag.

    Violence and distress are preventable

    Put like this, the list can be scary. The author therefore wants to reassure parents: the presence of one or more of these warning signs does not necessarily mean that your child is going to take a dangerous path or sink. But that you have to ask yourself

    According to her, it is essential to take them seriously and seek professional help if you have concerns about your child’s well-being. As a reminder, according to a report published in April 2024, the mental health of middle and high school students in France is currently deteriorating. While 8 out of 10 teenagers feel they are in good health (fortunately!), 14% of middle school students are at significant risk of depression.

    A subject to tackle head on.With early intervention and appropriate support, it remains possible to work together to ensure the safety and healthy development of all our children.” recalls the expert.

    School bullying: these signs that should alert us as parents

    Slideshow: Bullying at school: these signs that should alert us as parents
