Mental health: actor Sami Bouajila reveals to be bipolar

Mental health actor Sami Bouajila reveals to be bipolar

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    In an interview for Télérama, actor Sami Bouajila, currently showing in the film “Les Miens”, modestly revealed that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Breaking at the same time a taboo. Focus on this disorder with Dr. Mathieu Bellahsen, psychiatrist.

    Of a rather discreet nature, Sami Bouajila is an actor who, at 56, is nevertheless a known face in cinema: his roles in Native, Save or perish or in the recent series The Black Butterflies draw a talented and sensitive actor. A comedian who also has psychological problems, as he announces in a popular magazine.

    “I know, it’s in vogue, but here it is a fact”

    Interviewed recently in Télérama, the actor has indeed delivered with sincerity on several facets of his life, and quickly on his mental health. Sami Bouajila announces it bluntly: he recently discovered that he suffered from bipolarity.

    “I was tortured, without really realizing it, telling myself that everyone was the same. I was suddenly hurting someone, who pushed me to make a diagnosis. I happen to be bipolar. Well, I know, it’s in vogue, but here it is, it’s a fact”he added, warning “I am taking care of myself now”.

    Sami Bouajila will not say more about his pathology in this interview. He simply indicates that he is “a discreet person”, without seeming to notice that this single revelation can be a big step in the recognition of this pathology.

    Bipolarity, a severe disorder that sometimes goes unnoticed

    As Sami Bouajila says, the term bipolarity is a somewhat fashionable term, which in popular language covers the field from depression to schizophrenia, more chic in 2022. Bipolarity nevertheless represents a heavy and distinct pathology according to the Dr Mathieu Bellahsen, psychiatrist consulted on the subject: “It used to be called manic-depressive illness.”

    With what symptoms? “A person with bipolar disorder goes through moments of manic excitement” explains the psychiatrist, “i.e. they will be hyperactive, sleep very little, feel like the king of the world, with occasional delusional mood-congruent events that can go a long way.”.

    The other side, he explains, is a severe, melancholy depressive phase, “a time when the person collapses, can no longer leave home, until a serious melancholic syndrome and the impression of dying”. The doctor insists: it is not a slight disorder.

    Can you live well with bipolar disorder? What is the treatement ?

    The treatment is often done in two stages: “Contrary to what they say, there are not only drugs to get out of this disorder, there is also a phase of understanding to understand what is happening in the life and existence of the person“ evokes the psychiatrist. Thus, a feeling of being persecuted can sometimes go hand in hand with a family secret, a traumatic past.

    “To think that bipolarity is just a biology in the brain is very reductive. “

    In the event of a diagnosis, a treatment will therefore probably be put in place, in parallel with psychotherapy, and a method of reintegration.

    However, bipolarity can also stabilize and go unnoticed: fortunately, between two crises, the person can feel completely well and “normal” relates the expert. As for the manic phase, it is fortunately not always badly perceived: “In the world of show business or politics, this is often even perceived as a certain fantasy”.
