Men were arrested with pipe bombs and cash

Men were arrested with pipe bombs and cash
“Looking at connections”

Ten minutes apart, two explosions occurred in Gothenburg.

Hours later, four men were arrested in a car with several pipe bombs in connection with a police check in Trollhättan.

The police’s theory is that the persons would commit a crime in the near future.

The country was shaken by several acts of violence during the night towards Thursday.

The first alarm came from Olskroken at 01:03. Exactly ten minutes later there was a call about another detonation, in Kortedala.

In both cases, it was about explosions at multi-family buildings that caused material damage.

On the same night as the explosions, four men were arrested in a car in Trollhättan during a police check on the E45.

– A suspected dangerous object is found and four people are arrested and suspected of causing public destruction, says Jens Andersson, press spokesperson for the police in the West region.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, the police found several pipe bombs and a large amount of cash when they searched the vehicle.

The driver is also said to have been under the influence of drugs. The police do not want to comment on what was found.

Details: Network connections

The police’s theory is that the now arrested men were about to commit a crime in the near future, according to information.

The incident must be connected to a conflict between criminal networks in Gothenburg and Trollhättan, according to information.

A preliminary investigation into public-dangerous devastation has been initiated in the cases relating to both explosions. The police are also looking into the connection between the two incidents.

– We check for connections, of course, then there are two separate investigations, but of course we check if there is a connection, says Jens Andersson.

The night’s arrest could be of interest to the investigation. Sofie Konkell at the unit for serious crimes in Greater Gothenburg tells Göteborgs-Posten tells GP:

– Right now we see no connection there, but that case is with us in the background that there are factors that tie the events together.

The police launched a special event after the night’s explosions.

full screen Photo: Adam Ihse/TT
