Stating that individuals aged 50 years and older have more risks in colon cancers. Dr. Ali Ezer, “The most important symptom stands out as the vision of blood in the stool. The disease may progress without symptoms in the early stage,” he said.
Stressing that colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world and in Türkiye. Dr. Crushes, underlined that this disease is completely prevented if it is diagnosed early.
The third most common type of cancer
Stating that the main task of the large intestine, the last organ of the digestive system, is the storage and fluid absorption of digested foods. Dr. Ezer, colon cancer is the most common type of cancer in both women and men, he said. Ezer, the main risk factors of this cancer among the fiber content of poor foods with nutrition, excessive red meat consumption, high temperature cooked meats, sedentary life, obesity, cigarettes and alcohol use, he said. Genetic factors are also effective in the formation of the disease, indicating that Ezer, especially 50 years and over individuals carry more risks, he said.
Symptoms of colon cancer and the importance of early diagnosis
Among the most common symptoms of colon cancer, alteration, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss and weakness, Ezer, “However, the most important symptom stands out as the vision of blood in the stool. The disease can progress without symptoms in the early stage. Early diagnosis saves life. The disease can be diagnosed early with the test, “he said.
Treatment process and ways of protection
Prof. Dr. Crusual, if colon cancer is diagnosed in the early stage, colonoscopy can be removed from the cancer without cancer can be removed from the disease can be prevented by mentioning, “In the advanced stages of the disease, such as surgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment methods are applied in recent years. The most effective ways to prevent colon cancer is a healthy eating and an active lifestyle, avoiding smoking and alcohol and not interrupting regular health checks.
Colon cancer Ezer pointed out the importance of the multidisciplinary approach in the treatment and said that tumor councils play a major role in the third and fourth stage colon cancer cases. Medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology and relevant branches of experts come together to undermine the most appropriate treatment plan for patients, underlining the ezer, in the light of personalized genetic examinations in the light of more original treatment methods can be applied in this process, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, such as supportive treatments such as supportive treatments.
“Our people should participate in screening programs”
In order to be diagnosed early in colon cancer, the society should also actively participate in screening programs. Dr. EZER, “50 years and over individuals should have a secret blood test in feces every two years. Early diagnosed colon cancer can be completely treated. Our people should not neglect health screening and have the necessary controls,” he completed.