Members of Utrechtsch Studenten Corps suspended after sharing ‘bang list’: ‘Repulsive action’

Members of Utrechtsch Studenten Corps suspended after sharing bang list

It is not the first time that a student association has been discredited in connection with such lists.

A ‘banga list’ was leaked at the Groningen student association Vindicat in 2016. There were 23 women with their personal data on it. This happened again in 2021, when it involved a list of about 100 names and sexist texts. A member was therefore suspended indefinitely.

In the same year, more than fifty Utrecht student associations signed a declaration of intent against inappropriate behavior. It stated, among other things, that members who are victims of sexual misconduct must receive good care. A member of the advocacy group for Utrecht students Vidius, who drew up the statement, said that such a document was necessary because many women have had an unpleasant sexual experience.

About a year later, another statement was signed, this time by 107 Utrecht associations. In it they once again promised to commit themselves against sexual misconduct.

Yet the Utrecht Student Corps was discredited last summer after an incident with a stripper. Members of the corps hired the stripper, who was photographed in a vulnerable position with a wine bottle in a body opening. A leading member of the association shared that photo on Snapchat. Members involved in this were suspended for three months.

An anonymous member later said that this kind of thing happens with some regularity. A USC rector contradicted this.
