Melons at the international test: hear Scholz and Zelensky

Giorgia Meloni accepts the task of forming the government presented

(Finance) – The telephone conversations continue of the premier Giorgia Meloni with i world leaders: this morning the phone call with the German Chancellor Scholz. They both placed emphasis on strong partnership between Italy and Germany, at the center the common commitment for Kiev against the Russian invasion and the energy dossier on which, according to Palazzo Chigi, Meloni ‘reiterated the importance of the progress made at European level and the urgency of reaching measures as soon as possible concrete to reduce prices’.

In the telephone conversation the Prime Minister he reiterated the importance of the progress made at European level and reiterated the urgency to arrive, as soon as possible, to concrete measures to reduce energy prices. Meloni and Scholz also addressed the dossiers relating to the European management of migratory flows and the issue of economic growth. It can be read in a note from Palazzo Chigi.

After that with the German Chancellor Scholz it was the turn of Ukrainian President Zelensky. The Prime Minister renewed the full support of the Italian Government a Kiev within the framework of international alliances on the political, military, economic, humanitarian fronts and for future reconstruction and confirmed Italy’s commitment to every diplomatic effort useful for ending the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

In the telephone conversation, the President of the Council of Ministers called for the renewal of the agreement on the export of wheat from Ukrainian ports, a fundamental agreement to avert a possible food crisis.

“I congratulated Giorgia Meloni for her appointment as Italian prime minister. I hope for further fruitful cooperation. We discussed Ukraine’s integration into the EU and NATO. I talked about the current situation in our country and invited her to visit Ukraine. “Volodymyr writes on Twitter Zelensky after today’s interview.
