Meloni presents the Aid Decree: “on Superbonus intervened to correct distortions”

Giorgia Meloni accepts the task of forming the government presented

(Finance) – “The main measure that was approved in yesterday’s CdM is the energy decree”. The Prime Minister said so Giorgia Meloni illustrating at the press conference the Dl Aid quater approved ierthe. “A decree – he added – with which we allocate the former € 9.1 billion mainly intended to give an immediate response to families and businesses to deal with the increase in the cost of bills.

“There is aids to businesses for expensive utility bills that affect the extension of the tax credit. Then for energy consumption up to 31 March 2023 we allow an installment of the increases compared to the previous year for a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 36 installments and covered by a SACE state guarantee “, added Meloni.

Illustrating the decree even more in detail, Melons he also explained that it was approved “the raising of the cash ceiling to 5 thousand euros“. A” choice “, he said, which is in line with the” European average “and which” was on the agenda “.” In the EU there is a discussion because in the different nations there are very different measures and this creates disparities. The EU is addressing this problem by reasoning “on a ceiling of 5 thousand or 10 thousand, underlined the leader of Palazzo Chigi. Furthermore, she added that in the decree aids “There is a contribution of 50 euros to small traders for the purchase of the Pos”.

Chapter superbonus with the revision that is already being discussed and the Premier explaining the reasons for the decision: “it was deservedly born to restart the economy after the pandemic, we shared the aims but the realization created difficulties. I would like to point out to those who said that it could be restructured free of charge that for free weighs in the state coffers of about 60 billion euros, with a hole of 38 billion “, Meloni said. “In our opinion, what did not work is that that 110% took no responsibility, this also led to a distortion of the cost of materials on the market and it must be said that the benefit was mainly in favor of medium-high incomes. We have chosen to intervene to correct these distortions and therefore the bonus passes to 90% except for those condominiums that have already approved the interventions and have submitted the documentation by 25 November “.

“An intervention has been made on the superbonus that safeguards public finance”Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said. “We will seek and are defining a possible solution, a way out. But I want to reiterate that the assignment and transferability of the credit it is a possibility, not a right “.

“We have innovated and strengthened the coverage towards the business world for expensive energy”, continues Giorgetti. “In addition to the confirmation of tax credits – he continued – there is this payment in installments with respect to the increase in bills that should intervene to mitigate the aspect relating to liquidity. The other element of novelty compared to the past for families is the possibility of recognizing the fringe benefit of 3 thousand euros completely exempt from contributions “.
