Meloni: “Italy is back to racing”

Meloni Italy is back to racing

(Finance) – “Italy is back on track, and the credit for this success goes not to the Government but to companies and their workers. Of their resistance, their resourcefulness, their ability to innovate. The Government has tried to do its part, which is to create an environment that is as favorable as possible to those who produce wealth and employment. We have written budget laws inspired by common sense and pragmatism, concentrating all available resources to support companies that hire and create jobs and strengthen the purchasing power of families.”

Thus the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, in the message to the joint assembly of Confindustria Brescia and Bergamo underlining that today we celebrate “a very significant initiative to strengthen that path of synergy and connection started some time ago by the two Associations, between the main national production companies, to consolidate the leadership that already embodied in industrial and manufacturing terms.

“The stronger your synergy, the greater the benefit that the Italian production system as a whole can derive from it. Working as a team, especially in a complex time like the one we are experiencing, characterized by profound transformations and growing instability, is crucial to increasing the competitiveness of our companies and strengthening the ability to conquer new markets”, said Meloni.

Obviously there is a long passage on the new maneuver which – explains the Premier – “follows on from previous ones, and provides concrete measures and interventions to support employment and those who do business. Let’s make the cut in the tax wedge structural and extend the benefits to approximately 1.3 million workers with incomes between 35 and 40 thousand euros per year. We confirm the super deduction of 120% of the cost of labor for new hires and extend the incentives provided by the Cohesion Decree for the hiring of young people and women. We are refinancing an important instrument like the Nuova Sabatini, bringing the fund to a total of 607 million in 2025 and increasing the resources until 2029. We are allocating 1.6 billion for the tax credit in favor of companies that make investments in the unique SEZ of the Midday in 2025″.

“Furthermore, we confirm the tax relief on productivity bonuses and fringe benefits recognized by companies and employers to workers, up to a total limit of 1000 euros which rises to 2000 for workers with children. We are also introducing a very important measure for new hires who have moved their residence beyond 100 km and have an income of no more than 35 thousand euros. For these workers, the rent and maintenance costs of the buildings granted for use to employees hired on a permanent basis, in the first two years after hiring, do not constitute income for tax purposes, within the overall limit of five thousand euros per year” .

“Provisions that outline a very clear vision and which aim to consolidate that path of growth that Italy has begun to follow in recent years. We still have a lot of work to do, and we intend to do it together with you, and with all those who care about the future of this nation”, concludes Meloni.
