Melinda Jacobs was caught in a picture with the police in Almedalen

Melinda Jacobs was caught in a picture with the police

Melinda Jacobs40, had just turned 21 when she received her first placed child.

Many years later, she became known to the entire Swedish people when she lost custody of her foster daughter Esmeraldaalso called Little Heart, to the girl’s biological parents – where the child was then found dead after ten months with the parents.

READ MORE: The question the E-Type refuses to answer: “Nightmare”

When three-year-old Esmeralda was found dead, she had a head injury and four different narcotics in her body.

Since the tragic event, Melinda has worked hard to win Lex’s little heart – something she succeeded in doing. The new rules came into force in July 2022, something like The National Board of Health and Welfare write more about here.

But then something else happened. During her hard work, she met love, and his name was nothing less than Martin “E-Type” Eriksson. The couple are today married and have also had a daughter together named Isadora.

READ MORE: Melinda Jacobs salary – this is how much she earns

On Instagram, Melinda frequently publishes pictures and videos of the family’s cozy everyday life – but also of her important work for children’s rights.

But during the week, Melinda appeared in a… yes somewhat unusual picture from Almedalen, where both she and Martin “E-Type” Eriksson have been in the past few days.

That’s why Melinda Jacobs was photographed with the police

During Almedal Week, the police were not only present to hold the positions, but the police also had their own small hangout where people could stop to talk and ask questions. Two of those who stopped at the cops’ corner were E-Type and Melinda.

“This is how happy you are when you work as a police officer in @polisenstockholm thinks Vedran. Couldn’t recruit us this time. But all of you who are thinking, don’t hesitate to apply for police training. You are needed!!”, she wrote to the picture.

