Melinda Jacobs and E-type’s daughter swallowed battery

Melinda Jacobs and E types daughter swallowed battery

Melinda Jacobs and Martin “E-type” Eriksons daughter has ended up in hospital. This is evident from a post on Jacob’s Instagram.

“This is our daughter Isadora. Here in a respirator.”, writes Jacobs on Instagram, and continues: “Me and Martin have discussed and considered showing this picture where our daughter is in a very vulnerable situation. But the picture is telling of how bad it can go.”

The couple’s daughter Izadora Elisabeth Esmeralda was born in early 2023.

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Melinda Jacobs and Martin “E-type” Erikson’s daughter swallowed a toy battery

On Instagram, Melinda Jacobs shares a picture of her daughter on a respirator in hospital. The reason is that she has swallowed a battery belonging to a toy, “you know the little rounds that are in a lot of toys, watches, airtags, keys, greeting cards, fever thermometers, etc…” writes Jacobs.

She continues:

“When the battery ends up in the esophagus or down the stomach, the intestinal tract, an electrical current circuit is formed. This causes it to corrode the organs and a serious burn occurs. If it burns a hole, it is life-threatening. As soon as the battery reaches the mucous membrane, damage begins to occur. The medical corps has warned These batteries are in every home and are dangerous for children. Our daughter is not the first nor the last to be affected.

READ MORE: Melinda Jacobs and E-Type disagree: “We have to pause…”

How is daughter Izadora doing now?

Jacobs writes that the picture on Instagram is now two weeks old. Daughter Izadora is still in hospital but is stable.

Jacobs says that the daughter can drink again and that she has returned to breastfeeding as usual.


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