Mélenchon, school, Germany: letters from the readers of L’Express

Melenchon school Germany letters from the readers of LExpress

Electricity: charred Germany

Dominique Grenèche, Marcoussis (Essonne)

It is time to face reality on the German energy revolution, with its absolute priority given to the production of renewable electricity and “at the same time”, to the purely dogmatic abandonment of nuclear power. Despite considerable investments, it has barely reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in recent years. It is a total failure, and this for an irrefutable reason: when there is no wind and no sun, and it is necessary to produce electricity which cannot be stored, the only solution consists in to run coal and gas-fired power stations, both of which emit large amounts of GHGs. Weaned off Russian gas, Germany has increasingly resorted to coal and oil to replace it. (“Germany bets on renewables” – L’Express of April 27).

Education: don’t get the wrong target

Eric Menestrier, Strasbourg (Alsace)

I am surprised by the content of Nicolas Bouzou’s analysis. Wanting to systematically oppose civil servants to the private sector, he does not see that the hospital and the National Education system only hold together thanks to the professionalism and commitment of its staff. For decades, our leaders have tried to make them dysfunctional by repeating reforms. Should these policies be evaluated? I agree, but let’s not miss the target. As for Germany, it is also necessary to compare its educational objectives which grant a great place to the professional streams and its decentralized organization which gives a lot of independence to the establishments. Emmanuel Macron’s proposal does not go in this direction. It is false private in the straightjacket of the Ministry of National Education; and it will be another failure. (“Public services: enough promises, place for results”L’Express of May 4).

Mélenchon in the footsteps of Erdogan?

Daniel Couturier, Nimes (Gard)

After your front page on Mélenchon, a cover on Erdogan… If we measure the democratic nature of a politician by his ability to return power under normal conditions (democratic opposition, access to the media, independent justice, etc.) then , clearly, in France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the one whose capacity we can have the most doubt about – hence this filiation with Erdogan. The evidence is plentiful. I will cite two: his outraged reaction to his party’s search and the way he insulted a journalist who was not asking him the “right” questions. This is why one can have real doubts about his stature as a statesman. (“Erdogan, the risk of chaos“, “The fall of Mélenchon“, L’Express of May 4 and April 27).

When the democracy retreats

Chantal Bourry, Jonzac (Charente-Maritime)

There was a time when democracy was in the spotlight. However, more and more states are moving away from it today. In India, minorities and opponents are flouted. The Russian and Chinese powers are in sympathy with Islamic countries like Turkey to condemn it, if not openly, at least in action. This regression of democracy, with the resurgence of totalitarian regimes, is both unexpected and very worrying. (“In India, the frightening iron fist of Modi on the Internet“, L’Express of April 27).

Congratulations, Christophe Donner!

Christian Roure, Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhone)

I always start reading L’Express with the last page by Christophe Donner, and there, what happiness! Just back from Naples, everything is said about this unique atmosphere in the world. THANKS. Bravissimo! (“La più bella città, by Christophe Donner”L’Express of May 4).

Overly political “wise men”

Eric Garnier, Villemomble (Seine-Saint-Denis)

Appointed by politicians, the nine “wise men” of the Constitutional Council are suspected of being dependent on them. Their mode of appointment must be completely reviewed. Too much among oneself deleterious. (“Pensions: the impossible task of the Constitutional Council”on Lexpress.fr).

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