Mehmet Öz: The famous doctor who received the support of Trump won the Republican Party’s Senate primary election in Pennsylvania

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Dr. Mehmet Öz won the Republican Party’s primary election in the state of Pennsylvania and took pleasure in facing the Democratic Party candidate in the November by-election for senatorship.

David McCormick, who was Öz’s opponent in the primary election, announced that he accepted Öz’s victory.

After the voting last month, the vote counting process started again automatically, as the difference in votes between the candidates remained below 0.5 percent.

In the primary election, where 1 million 340 thousand votes were used, the vote difference between the two candidates was less than a thousand.

Famous for his television programs in the USA, Dr. Former US President Donald Trump, who supports Öz, said that Öz should declare himself the winner while the counting continues.

If he wins the self-election, he will become the country’s first Muslim senator.

if he wins He will renounce his Turkish citizenship

Dr. He announced that he would renounce his Turkish citizenship if he became a senator himself.

Öz’s opponent in the primary election, McCormick, said he would “work with all his might” for Öz to win against the Democratic Party.

Thanking McCormick, Öz said, “We will do everything to prevent the Senate from falling into the hands of John Fetterman and the radical left.”

While presidential elections are held every four years in the USA, by-elections are held for some Senate and House of Representatives seats two years after each election.

The Democratic Party’s Senate Campaign Committee, on the other hand, was Dr. He said Oz was “a swindler and self-interested millionaire”.

On the other hand, Democratic Party candidate Fetterman said in a statement yesterday that he “was back from the dead” after suffering a stroke last month.

Fetterman, who continues to serve as the deputy governor of Pennsylvania, said that it was a mistake not to take the medicine his doctor prescribed for him in 2017.

Fetterman’s office said he had a condition called cardiomyopathy, which makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood around the body.

Fetterman’s doctor also said that he would be in good health if he took his meds, diet and exercise.
