Mega successful superhero action film that single-handedly saved a character and made fans happy

Mega successful superhero action film that single handedly saved a character

Nowadays, Deadpool is as well-known as he is popular. But it wasn’t always like that. The die-hard comic fans from the very beginning had to suffer, especially when the character made his big cinematic debut. Fortunately, the tables have turned completely with the first film of his own, and that is exactly what is on TV today.

That’s what the superhero film Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds, which is on TV today, is about

Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) was originally a super soldier. Then a experimental cancer therapy also has enormous self-healing powers missed. The poor guy was completely disfigured, but fortunately that didn’t affect his loose tongue and bitter sense of black humor.

The first major movie about the Antiheroes par excellence revolves around the question of whether Wade Wilson’s girlfriend still loves him, where Ajax or Francis (Ed Skrein), who is responsible for the transformation, is and what the deal is with the unpleasant contemporary Colossus.

20th Century Fox

Deadpool fears neither death nor the devil, and certainly not Colossus or the 4th wall.

After X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool was a laughing stock, but this film redeemed him

Anyone who thinks that Deadpool was the self-deprecating weirdo’s first big screen appearance is mistaken. The superhero, clad entirely in red spandex, made his first cinematic foray in 2009 in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, that only caused ridicule and extremely disappointed fans of the character. Anyone who knew Deadpool from the comics could hardly recognize him here.

This may have been due, on the one hand, to the Hollywood writers’ strike (allegedly Reynolds himself wrote all of Deadpool’s lines), and, on the other, to some very strange script and staging decisions. Fortunately, all fans of the character and the crude humor now in this film here at their expense.

2016’s Deadpool was so successful (it grossed more than 13 times its production budget, according to The Numbers) that several sequels followed.
In a few days the circle will close
and one of the biggest Marvel blockbusters of the year is released – the future of the MCU depends on it.

TV or stream: When and where is Deadpool on?

Anyone who wants to see the edgy spandex wearer on TV can do so today, Friday, July 19, 2024 from 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben the opportunity. However, this is the FSK 12 version of the film, shortened by 07:42 minutes. Deadpool would definitely not like that.

Luckily, you can also watch the film in the unabridged repeat on July 26th from 10:55 p.m. or stream it directly. For example, with Disney+ subscription or on VoD platforms such as Amazon, MagentaTV and Co.

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