MEF: rumors about Rai license fee outside the bill are not founded

MEF rumors about Rai license fee outside the bill are

(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy has denied the rumors that wanted the exclusion of Rai fee from the bill electric starting from next year, defining them unfounded “in the light of the long preliminary work in progress”. “The milestone PNRR – explained the Treasury in a note reported by Ansa – finds its foundation in the need to protect the competition of the electricity market and is based on Agcm proposalswhich had not found any critical issues regarding the payment of the Rai license fee from the point of view of competition on the energy market, provided that the payment was transparent for end users”. “Requirement which – it concludes – is satisfied”.

THE labor unions Rai they still requested a match urgent to Minister Giorgetti to present theirs concerns. “The decision of the previous executive, following a specific resolution by Parliament, indicated the collection of the fee in the electricity bill among the improper charges whose permanence will no longer be allowed starting from 1 January 2023”, the unions recalled, underlining that “this decision, given also the nearness thunderstorm with the deadline of 31 December 2022, in addition to causing a climate of profound uncertainty regarding the methods of financing the Public Radio and Television Servicerisks having a disruptive impact on the very future of Rai”. Le 8 acronyms who signed the letter addressed to the minister are Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil, Ugl Fnc, Snater, Libersind Confsal, Adrai and Usigrai.

The associations of the consumers. For the Codacons “the Rai license fee is to all intents and purposes the tax most hated by Italians and the time is now ripe for its definitive abolition”. L’National Union of Consumers instead he stressed that the opinion of the Antitrust dates back to 2015, “well before the European Union raised a problem not only linked to competition in the strict sense, but also to the energy market and which concerned the fact that one cannot ask mandatory for energy suppliers to collect charges not linked to their market sector, just as consumers cannot be asked to pay a cost linked to a different service in the same bill”. “It does not seem to us that these reasons have disappeared and have no foundation. The license fee remains an improper charge not linked to electricity consumption”, added the president Maximilian Donate.
